One of my favorite holidays of the year is Thanksgiving, and I can't believe it has already come and gone. Time this year is just flying by. As we do every year, we celebrated Thanksgiving in Richmond. We split time with both parents, and then my mom hosts my aunt, uncle cousins and kids for the big dinner on Thursday.

The delicious turkey and cousin Jason's creative and beautiful turkey plate
The calm before the storm dinner!
Cheers to another wonderful meal!
Makes me hungry again just looking at it!
When cousin Kristin and husband Steve showed up wearing their favorite sports jerseys for the big Skins-Dallas game that afternoon, Dad dug in the back of his dresser for this beauty. I proudly wore it all day - Go Skins!
After all of the delicious food, it was time for dessert! Including the ice cream turkey.
I made MK's delicious pumpkin spiced cannoli dip - it was a huge hit!
Quick family photo op
You can't forget cutie Pearly Sue, my parents sweet dog.
Cady was definitely tuckered out after the big day chasing kids, playing ball, and catching any food before it hit the floor (or Pearl got it). She slept for days after Thanksgiving!
There's so much to be thankful for this year...I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones!
And before we know it, it'll be Christmas!
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