When M said that we were going to grab dinner before the Old Crow Medicine Show concert at the 9:30 Club a few weeks ago, I was excited to try somewhere new. When he said we were going to a place called American Ice Company, I was instantly skeptical.
We parked a block above the 930 club and walked past it plus a few more blocks before coming up on this totally nondescript place that was buzzing with noise from inside the cement block walls. After showing our id's and walking through the opening onto the patio, I once again admitted (to myself only, of course) that M knew what he was doing and had found a super fun place. We grabbed a beer in a mason jar and waited patiently for a group to vacate their table.

Once we snagged a table, we checked out the delicious menu. BBQ heaven. One of each, please!
We settled on the swachos and the pulled pork and brisket platter to share. I'm still not fully sure what a 'swacho' is, but let me tell you - it doesn't matter. It's delicious - sorry the photo is blurry, but I still felt that it was necessary to include :)
After our delicious dinner and a couple of beers, we headed back to the 930 for the concert. The Lumineers were the second opening band, and we wanted to be sure to catch them. You might know their song Ho Hey that's been played more recently on the radio.
The 930 Club is such a great venue. I definitely prefer the smaller music venues where you feel so much more a part of the performance. I have to admit, I wasn't really a big fan of Old Crow, but after going to their concert, I really like them a lot more! I downloaded a bunch of their songs to iTunes after the show.
At the end, The Lumineers, and the openers, The Milk Carton Kids, joined Old Crow Medicine Show on stage for a couple of final songs.
This was just the first night of 2, and it was awesome. I can only imagine night 2 was rockin' too! If you don't know Old Crow, check them out - and the Lumineers too. Look into their other songs, not just Ho Hey. They sound a lot like Mumford and Sons. You'll like 'em, trust me!
And next time you're up in the area, go to American Ice Company. It was pretty awesome too :)
As always, you never cease to exhaust me -- I don't know how you do it!!! Glad y'all had fun!! :)